Monday, January 22, 2007

Uploading pics while at work

Now I feel satisfied. I've put up all the significant pics that I wanted to show you. Don't worry, I have tons more which I'll show you when I get back home or upload if I get too bored and want to sit in front of a computer forever. That would mean... tomorrow at work then =) hehehe.

The first thing we saw on our 4 am game drive was this lion! How cool is that?! It was just sitting beside the road of the Kruger National Park.

We were actually this close to the giraffe. No zoom needed! Well maybe a little bit to actually fit into the picture but seriously... this close!

We went on a walking tour with these two loaded guards. There's a picture of me holding one of the rifles but thats in someone else's camera. You just have to believe that i looked damn hot with a rifle in my hands.

We were so scared that the elephant was on a rampage and was gonna kill us all in our beat-up Landy but it was all good. It was on a rampage to get to water.
These are the girls that were originally here when I arrived. From left to right: me, Marleen, Angela, Elan, Zjolka, Julie. Marleen and Angela went back home to Dutchland. They are Dutch students studying disabled children at St. Mary's Home. Elan, volunteering as a marketing agent, went back home to London. Zjolka and Julie are PT's.

This one is for Dee. My favourite burger place in South Africa. Wimpy's... I think I'm in love.

These are the German boys I've been hanging out with this whole time. We were in St. Lucia for New Years, snorkeling, sun-bathing, checkin' out the TNA's on the beach. Don't worry, there weren't that many. When I took this picture, there were two gay guys on the left side checking THEM out! Yeah, I would have thought the Germans were gay too.

This was at 12:05 am January 1, 2007. We missed the countdown cuz... well no one was really watching the time that well. So we made our own countdown.

This is one of the beaches we went to during our St. Lucia trip. We went to so many I don't even remember where this one was. It's either Sodwana Bay, Cape Vidal, or St. Lucia Beach. All of them were really nice.

We went on a walking tour beside the Crocodile Centre in St. Lucia. Then we came upon an electric fence with this sign. I, wanting to go back the other direction, was outnumber 3 to 1 and we crossed the electric fence to the friggin dangerous game drive where you're not allowed to step out of your car!!! Fortunately, we came out of there alive.

Look at how the giraffe drinks! I had no idea that's what they do... I guess I never really figured out how they should drink water.

Sebastian (Sebi) rockin' out.

Look how scared Sebi was with our 1 kg prawns meal.

To end it all off, just wanted to show you how gay these German boys can get. No wonder gay men were checkin' them out!


Diana said...

great pictures! german boy with dreads is hot :P and i am definitely ready to go to germany/holland/switzerland with you! as soon as possible please!!!! miss you (though i am talking to you on msn right this very moment:P)

Unknown said...

Finally!! Pictures are so much fun..I love the 1kg prawns meal. You definitely need to take more pictures of the food you're eating for me :) Good job on the slacking at work...

Hybrid said...

it's awesome to finally see your pics!
it looks so fun over there! i'm trying to think of the last time i saw a wild animal here in japan, and i have no idea. they pretty much pave over everything anyway.

sgd-basti said...

Thank you for putting my face so often on this page! These 2 germans are very gay! For sure ;)))
No, not really. But the 2 other guys were gay definatly!!!
Greetings from Christian, Richi and Sebi