Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hi everyone,
so i figured out the word that adrian uses. Myspace has poor usability!!!! Those doucebags. Don't they realize people like me, who aren't so technologically savvy, also need a site to post up our blogs. Anyways, so here are some of the pictures I took since I got to South Africa. Hope you like them! Comment please!!! This isn't nearly reflective of the number of pics i've taken. I will take pics of my workplace soon.

oh fucking hell for some reason i can't post up pics right now. Well anyways, i went to the nearest city (which is the capitol city of south africa) and had my dose of retail therapy. I really needed it. I hadn't gone for a very long time. I bought 3 bras!!! they're pretty cheap here. I also bought maternity pants. Now don't start gasping for air, i'm not pregnant. It's the type where your waist area stretches... it's awesome. I think i'm gonna start buying maternity pants all the time now. It's quite hot. I also bought a tube top that has holes down the obliques of your body. Thats pretty hot too. Too bad i won't be using any of these things until i get home to canada. I might get shot or raped wearing this stuff here.

I bought the nelson mandela book that weighs a ton called "a long walk to heaven". Does anyone want to start a book club with me and read it with me???

South Africa is very slow here. People go on vacations from like.. dec 15 til Jan 10!! it's crazy!
Anyways, i'll finish now because we're gong to start watching grey's anatomy now. I"m hooked man!!!!
love you guys and miss you lots!

1 comment:

Hybrid said...

ummm maternity pants?!
why would you need so much stretchiness?!
i don't think anyone's gonna try to pick you up wearing a pair of those :P