Tuesday, February 13, 2007

swazi pictures

Hello my darrrrrlin's
So I realized, I don't have the greatest pictures from Swaziland. I did take a really long video of some Swazi dancing but I'm too lazy to post that one up. So let's see what I haven't told you about. I'm starting work at the disabled children's home now. It's unbelievably disorganized there but I won't even get started on that.

I think I'm going to extend my trip later and stay in Holland for about two weeks to visit my family. That means I won't see my parents when I get home because they will be in China by the time I get back. That means... PARTY AT MY HOUSE! I love making traditional south african cooking so when I get home, I can cook for all y'all! I think that is why my ass is growing so much... cuz i have two lunches and two dinners all the time.

So here they are!This is the old beehive hut we stayed in for one night in Swaziland. I looooooooooooved my little beehive.

My pretty furry sandals which I was not allowed to buy because it was cruel to animals... but i still loved them.

This is Rob, one of the new Dutch volunteers. He's here with his gf (fake wife) Anne. They had to lie cuz if they didn't, they were not allowed to stay in the same house, much less in the same room.

OH PUMBA!!!! I ate his relative on one of the nights we stayed in Mlilwane National Park. The night before eating Pumba's friend, I ate Blesbok (an antelope family). It was a little too gamey for my liking. Pumba was good though. The picture below is the Blesbok.
The blesbok ended up on my plate =)

The picture below was Pumba's little friend.

This is my little friend the Hippo. The guide took us on a little walk around the estuary and we were only about 10 meters away from them... separated by water thankgoodness.

These icing sugar topped nyalas were roaming all around our beehive huts.

Anyways, that's all folks!


Unknown said...


Wow, those pics are amazing!! I had friends who went to Africa with similar photos...crazy how close they are to you!!!

Anyways, hoping you're doing well...Take care of yourself!


i hate all people said...

holy crap! that meat looks so good! i had steak in vegas and it SUCKED!!! makes me appreciated alberta beef that much more.

stay safe and beat anyone up who tries to crawl into your tent! use your nails!


Hybrid said...

as awesome as those photos are, it disturbs me quite a bit that the meat you ate came from animals that you had named. sometimes i have a hard enough time eating meat thinking abou the animals it comes from, but knowing their names?! nope couldn't do it.
maybe living in japan is making me err to the side of vegetarianism. although i did eat raw horse meat a couple weeks ago...

Diana said...

hey woman, great pictures! although i dont particularly look at pictures of animals and think DELICIOUS. well maybe i do...but mostly just with cows. well hopefully i'll talk to you on msn or something again soon, miss you tons