Monday, January 22, 2007

Uploading pics while at work

Now I feel satisfied. I've put up all the significant pics that I wanted to show you. Don't worry, I have tons more which I'll show you when I get back home or upload if I get too bored and want to sit in front of a computer forever. That would mean... tomorrow at work then =) hehehe.

The first thing we saw on our 4 am game drive was this lion! How cool is that?! It was just sitting beside the road of the Kruger National Park.

We were actually this close to the giraffe. No zoom needed! Well maybe a little bit to actually fit into the picture but seriously... this close!

We went on a walking tour with these two loaded guards. There's a picture of me holding one of the rifles but thats in someone else's camera. You just have to believe that i looked damn hot with a rifle in my hands.

We were so scared that the elephant was on a rampage and was gonna kill us all in our beat-up Landy but it was all good. It was on a rampage to get to water.
These are the girls that were originally here when I arrived. From left to right: me, Marleen, Angela, Elan, Zjolka, Julie. Marleen and Angela went back home to Dutchland. They are Dutch students studying disabled children at St. Mary's Home. Elan, volunteering as a marketing agent, went back home to London. Zjolka and Julie are PT's.

This one is for Dee. My favourite burger place in South Africa. Wimpy's... I think I'm in love.

These are the German boys I've been hanging out with this whole time. We were in St. Lucia for New Years, snorkeling, sun-bathing, checkin' out the TNA's on the beach. Don't worry, there weren't that many. When I took this picture, there were two gay guys on the left side checking THEM out! Yeah, I would have thought the Germans were gay too.

This was at 12:05 am January 1, 2007. We missed the countdown cuz... well no one was really watching the time that well. So we made our own countdown.

This is one of the beaches we went to during our St. Lucia trip. We went to so many I don't even remember where this one was. It's either Sodwana Bay, Cape Vidal, or St. Lucia Beach. All of them were really nice.

We went on a walking tour beside the Crocodile Centre in St. Lucia. Then we came upon an electric fence with this sign. I, wanting to go back the other direction, was outnumber 3 to 1 and we crossed the electric fence to the friggin dangerous game drive where you're not allowed to step out of your car!!! Fortunately, we came out of there alive.

Look at how the giraffe drinks! I had no idea that's what they do... I guess I never really figured out how they should drink water.

Sebastian (Sebi) rockin' out.

Look how scared Sebi was with our 1 kg prawns meal.

To end it all off, just wanted to show you how gay these German boys can get. No wonder gay men were checkin' them out!

Wowee 6 comments already??

Thanks guys for actually reading my blogs! I had an awesome weekend btw. I lounged in a convent and swam in their pool. Don’t worry, I didn’t get sucked into the nunnery. On Saturday night, we had a braai (bbq) with the orphanage that the German volunteers work at. The kids danced and sang for us, and gave the volunteers good-bye presents because the Germans are going home in two weeks. I can’t believe my Germans are goig home! So this is how Dee felt when her Swiss friends left her. Hehe.

Then on Sunday, we went to a small game park and did a 2.5 hour hike! It was really nice there and we saw lots of animals. The hike was really nice but I did it in my Old Navy flip flops which wasn’t so great. I’m trying to get the group to do the 17 km hike, which is probably gonna take a whole day!

I can’t wait until I go to Swaziland. We’re going next week. It’s going to be an 8-day trip to Blyde River Canyon, Kruger Park, and then Swaziland. I’m gonna be with the Germans and two of their moms… I hope I can last the whole trip without killing one of the Germans… I don’t know if I can stand 8 days with these people. We’ll see.

Did I tell you guys I’m hooked on Grey’s anatomy? I’m on disc 5 of season 2. It’s damn good…. I got all the girls here hooked on it too. I can’t wait until I get home and buy the 3rd season.

Anyways, I’m at work right now and I don’t think updating my blog and emailing is very productive for work. Talk to you guys soon!


Thursday, January 18, 2007

A real RD now!

Hey guys!
just wanted to let you know that I'm a real dietitian now! I passed my licensing exam. Let's celebrate! We're doing another Indonesian dish tonight called Rendang beef, except it won't be beef tonight because there's an East Indian guy who doesn't eat beef so we're doing lamb, shrimp and chicken instead. It's like a curry but super yummier!!!! When I brought up having vegetables in our dinner they all said, "what??? vegetables, what for? We don't need to waste more money on food". These people don't eat vegetables?!?!

Anyways, so tonight we're celebrating me passing my exam and celebrating/mourning for the fact that two physiotherapist may have kept or lost their jobs, respectively. There's a meeting this afternoon about the future of the Children's home that i was supposed to work at but had lots of violent strikes so most likely it's going to be shut down. On a brighter note, I'll still have my job =).

So the English girl that was supposed to be working here left early cuz she just couldn't cut it in the real world! Just kidding... in case she's reading this.

I've gotten way fatter and way lazier than usual. Let's hope I don't let it all go and get as fat as.... a sumo wrestler.

Also, may I add that as of right now Julia is my favourite friend because she's posted TWICE!!! That's two more times than anyone else people!

I might be going to Swaziland in two weeks time if I can get the time off. I hope I get to travel a lot. At least I get something accomplished over here. One thing I do have is a hot TAN! Muahahaha all you people in Canada and everywhere else that's cold. SUCKA!!!

Anyways, hope I can have more patience next time to upload my pics. Seriously, it takes forever. You have no idea....

love rani

Monday, January 15, 2007

let's try it again

This picture above was taken at Blyde River Canyon. There is a big rock jetting out of the cliff and Zoltan is punching Richard off the cliff. This was staged of course, as you will see in the next pictures, Richard is still alive and kicking.
Oh man..... this internet sucks!! ican't load anything else. oh well. maybe i'll just post this one up for now.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hi everyone,
so i figured out the word that adrian uses. Myspace has poor usability!!!! Those doucebags. Don't they realize people like me, who aren't so technologically savvy, also need a site to post up our blogs. Anyways, so here are some of the pictures I took since I got to South Africa. Hope you like them! Comment please!!! This isn't nearly reflective of the number of pics i've taken. I will take pics of my workplace soon.

oh fucking hell for some reason i can't post up pics right now. Well anyways, i went to the nearest city (which is the capitol city of south africa) and had my dose of retail therapy. I really needed it. I hadn't gone for a very long time. I bought 3 bras!!! they're pretty cheap here. I also bought maternity pants. Now don't start gasping for air, i'm not pregnant. It's the type where your waist area stretches... it's awesome. I think i'm gonna start buying maternity pants all the time now. It's quite hot. I also bought a tube top that has holes down the obliques of your body. Thats pretty hot too. Too bad i won't be using any of these things until i get home to canada. I might get shot or raped wearing this stuff here.

I bought the nelson mandela book that weighs a ton called "a long walk to heaven". Does anyone want to start a book club with me and read it with me???

South Africa is very slow here. People go on vacations from like.. dec 15 til Jan 10!! it's crazy!
Anyways, i'll finish now because we're gong to start watching grey's anatomy now. I"m hooked man!!!!
love you guys and miss you lots!

Friday, January 12, 2007

my first blog after 2 months in South Africa!?


Sorry for the long wait but i just discovered this blogspot from dee and it's way better than myspace! Whats the word i'm looking for.... Adrian said it a lot during our New York trip. Well that's just going to bug me for the rest of my trip if I don't find out what he usually during these situations. So right now i'm "working". I've been "working for the past... uhm... 8 hours!

(Bev or Bon, I want to post the implementations I have done or will do at work onto this blog and so if you have any suggestions or comments about what I have done so far, please comment!!!!)

I will post pictures soon! Don't let me forget what my website is... www.tanninginSA/ is that right? Oh man... so NOT technology savvy.. but at least i'm better than most of the people in Zud Afrika. The white people speak Afrikaans here. It's the most annoying language I have ever heard. I even like German more than Afrikaans. Zulu is a really nice language. I've only learned greeting words and bad words =)

So it's friday afternoon and I'm waiting until 5 pm so i can get off work. Not that i have a hot date tonight or anything. One of the girls that is volunteering right now is going home on Tuesday and we're going out for dinner for her goodbye party. Soon the German boys will leave and I will be left alone! Sebbi (one of the Germans) and his gf will be visiting Vancity either this summer or next summer. I LOVE THESE GERMANS!!!!

Anyways, pictures are soon to come!
love rani